Writing Skills

View and Counter view

March 2023 View and Counterview (5 Marks) Dog; Man’s Best Friend. Prepare a paragraph of counterviews on the given topic. Use the following viewpoints to express your counterviews: Viewpoints:• Friendly and playful.• Safeguard our homes.• Stress busters.• Honest and faithful to their masters.• Create liveliness in the family.• Add your own points. Ans. Counterviews on […]

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Information Transfer Verbal to Non-verbal / Non-verbal to verbal

March 2023 Verbal to Non-Verbal Read the following information and write it into Do’s and Don’ts. Give a suitable title for it: (5 Marks) Outside ‘The Central Library’ there is a board displaying some rules and regulations for the members. They are as follows: i. You should enter your name and registered number in the

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Expansion of Theme

Section VI: Creative Writing [05 Marks]Expand the theme:Expand the following idea into a paragraph of 100 words: March 2023 Expand the given quote into a paragraph of 100 words.“Education is the most powerful weapon to change the world.” Ans.         Education holds unparalleled power in transforming our world. It serves as a

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