View and Counter view

March 2023

View and Counterview (5 Marks)

Dog; Man’s Best Friend.

Prepare a paragraph of counterviews on the given topic. Use the following viewpoints to express your counterviews:

• Friendly and playful.
• Safeguard our homes.
• Stress busters.
• Honest and faithful to their masters.
• Create liveliness in the family.
• Add your own points.


Counterviews on ‘Dog; Man’s Best Friend’

        While it is widely acknowledged that dogs are considered man’s best friend for their friendly and playful nature, it is essential to recognize that there are counterviews to this perspective. While dogs may indeed be friendly, some individuals may find their playfulness overwhelming or disruptive, especially in households with small children or elderly family members who may not be comfortable with high levels of activity.

Additionally, although dogs are often praised for safeguarding homes, some may argue that their protective instincts can lead to aggressive behavior, potentially posing a threat to strangers or guests. While dogs can be stress busters for many, it’s important to note that some people may find the responsibilities associated with pet ownership, such as daily walks and grooming, to be a source of stress rather than relief.

The notion of dogs being honest and faithful to their masters may be challenged by instances of behavioral issues or difficulties in training. While many dogs display loyalty, others may exhibit disobedience or independence, which could be a source of frustration for owners.

While dogs undoubtedly add liveliness to the family, it’s crucial to consider factors such as allergies or fear of animals that some family members may have. Moreover, the financial and time commitments required for proper pet care may be overwhelming for individuals or families with busy lifestyles.

In conclusion, while dogs can indeed be wonderful companions, it’s essential to recognize the diverse perspectives on their role as man’s best friend. Each individual’s experience with a dog may differ based on factors such as temperament, lifestyle, and personal preferences.

March 2022

View and Counterview (5 Marks)

Write your counterview in a paragraph on the topic ‘Short cuts to success is not a wrong choice’:
Use the following points:
• Followed by people with wrong principles.

• Quality of work will suffer.
• The result will not last long.
• Limitations to creative thinking.


Counterviews on ‘Short cuts to success is not a wrong choice

            While some argue that shortcuts to success are not a wrong choice, it’s crucial to consider the counterview, emphasizing the potential drawbacks associated with such an approach.

Firstly, shortcuts are often followed by people with wrong principles. Success achieved through dishonest or unethical means can lead to a tarnished reputation and a lack of trust from others. For instance, if someone resorts to cheating or deceit to climb the corporate ladder, the long-term consequences may include damaged relationships and a compromised professional standing.

Secondly, the quality of work is likely to suffer when individuals opt for shortcuts. Cutting corners to save time or effort may result in subpar outcomes. For example, if a student plagiarizes instead of conducting thorough research for an assignment, the learning experience is compromised, and the knowledge gained is superficial.

Thirdly, the results achieved through shortcuts may not last long. Building a foundation of success on a weak or unethical base can lead to eventual failure. Consider a business that resorts to deceptive marketing tactics to boost short-term profits – the negative repercussions, such as loss of customer trust, can undermine the business in the long run.

Lastly, relying on shortcuts can impose limitations on creative thinking. When individuals focus solely on quick fixes and immediate gains, they may miss out on the opportunity to explore innovative and sustainable solutions. For instance, a manager who consistently opts for shortcuts to meet quarterly targets may neglect strategic planning that could benefit the organization in the long term.

In conclusion, while shortcuts may seem tempting in the pursuit of success, it’s important to recognize the potential pitfalls associated with such an approach. Success built on wrong principles, compromised quality, temporary results, and limited creativity may ultimately prove detrimental to personal and professional growth. It is advisable to prioritize ethical and sustainable paths to success for lasting and meaningful achievements.


View and Counterview (5 Marks)

‘Life of a bird is better than that of a human being.’

Prepare a paragraph of counterviews on the given topic.

• tension free life
• no bondages
• no studies
• no parental control
• free to do anything


Counterviews on ‘Life of a bird is better than that of a human being.’

                     While some may argue that the life of a bird is better than that of a human being, it’s important to consider the counterviews associated with this perspective. While birds may appear to lead a tension-free life with no apparent responsibilities, it’s essential to recognize that they face their own set of challenges, including the constant struggle for survival in the wild, finding food, and avoiding predators. The perception of no bondages in a bird’s life may overlook the lack of security and stability that comes with a human’s ability to build relationships and communities.

Furthermore, the absence of studies in a bird’s life might be perceived as an advantage, but it also means they lack the ability to learn and adapt to changing environments in the way humans can. Human education provides opportunities for personal growth, critical thinking, and innovation. The absence of parental control in a bird’s life may suggest freedom, but it also means a lack of guidance and protection during vulnerable stages of development.

Additionally, while birds may seem free to do anything, their actions are primarily driven by instincts and survival needs. Humans, on the other hand, have the capacity for self-expression, creativity, and the pursuit of diverse interests. The complexities of human life, including relationships, emotions, and intellectual pursuits, contribute to a rich and fulfilling experience that goes beyond the apparent simplicity of a bird’s existence.

In conclusion, while the life of a bird may seem carefree and liberating, it’s important to recognize the counterviews, acknowledging the unique advantages and complexities that come with the human experience, including the ability to form bonds, pursue education, and engage in a diverse range of activities.

March 2020

View and Counterview (5 Marks)

Write your counterview on the topic “Internet will soon replace books“.

View points:
• easily accessible

• time saving
• economical
• authentic
• storehouse of information


Counterviews on “Internet will soon replace books”

          While the idea that the internet will soon replace books is gaining traction, it’s crucial to consider the counterviews associated with this perspective. While the internet offers easy accessibility to information, it also raises concerns about the reliability and authenticity of the content available online. Books, with their thorough editorial processes and peer-reviewed publishing standards, often provide a more trusted source of information.

Although the internet is undoubtedly time-saving, allowing instant access to vast amounts of information, it may lead to a lack of depth in understanding. Books, on the other hand, encourage focused and immersive reading, fostering a more profound comprehension of a subject. The time-saving aspect of the internet might contribute to a superficial understanding of topics.

While the internet is economical in terms of avoiding the costs associated with printing and distribution, it brings challenges related to the digital divide, where not everyone has equal access to online resources. Books, as physical objects, remain accessible to individuals without internet connectivity or electronic devices.

The internet may be a storehouse of information, but the sheer volume and lack of curation can be overwhelming. Books, by contrast, often undergo rigorous selection processes, ensuring that the information presented is relevant and reliable.

In conclusion, while the internet provides several advantages in terms of accessibility, time-saving, and economy, it’s essential to recognize the counterviews, including concerns about authenticity, depth of understanding, digital access disparities, and the need for curated information that books often fulfill. Both mediums can coexist, each serving unique purposes in the dissemination of knowledge.

July 2019

View and Counterview (5 Marks)

Computers have modernized education

Prepare a paragraph of counterviews on the given topic. Use the following view to write your counterview.

• Information is easily available.
• Online study possible.
• Audio-visual studies available.
(Add more details and write a paragraph)


Counterviews on “Computers have modernized education.

         While it is undeniable that computers have modernized education in various ways, it’s important to consider the counterviews associated with this perspective. While computers provide easy access to information, there are concerns about the quality and reliability of the content available online. The vastness of the internet can lead to misinformation and the challenge of distinguishing between credible and unreliable sources.

Although online study is made possible through computers, it raises issues related to digital access disparities. Not all students have equal access to computers and the internet, potentially creating educational inequalities. The shift to online learning also poses challenges for students who may struggle with self-directed study or lack the necessary digital literacy skills.

While computers facilitate audio-visual studies, it’s essential to recognize that these methods may not be suitable for all learners. Some students may still benefit more from traditional teaching methods, such as face-to-face interactions with teachers and peers. Additionally, the overreliance on audio-visual materials might limit critical thinking and analytical skills development.

Furthermore, the integration of computers in education brings concerns about screen time and its potential impact on students’ health, including eye strain and sedentary behavior. Balancing the benefits of technology with the potential negative effects on physical and mental well-being is a crucial consideration.

In conclusion, while computers have undoubtedly brought positive changes to education by providing easy access to information, enabling online study, and offering audio-visual learning opportunities, it’s important to address the counterviews. These include concerns about information quality, digital access disparities, the suitability of online learning for all students, and the potential health impacts associated with increased screen time.

March 2019

View and Counterview (5 Marks)

Write your counterview on ‘Children should work to earn during vacations’.

Use the following points:

• Fruitful use of time
• Development of skills
• Financial support to own education and parents
• Knowledge of transaction
• Awareness of responsibility


Counterviews onChildren should work to earn during vacations.’

        While the notion that children should work to earn during vacations is often justified as a fruitful use of time, contributing to skill development, and providing financial support for education and parents, it is crucial to consider counterviews. Advocates for the counterview argue that vacations are essential for children to relax, explore hobbies, and recharge for the upcoming academic year. Overburdening children with work during vacations may lead to burnout and hinder their overall well-being.

Moreover, the development of skills should not solely be tied to work-related activities. Children can acquire valuable skills through extracurricular activities, volunteering, and pursuing personal interests. Relying solely on work for skill development may limit the diversity of experiences that contribute to a well-rounded personality.

While earning money during vacations can provide financial support for education and help parents, it may inadvertently place stress on children, affecting their mental and physical health. The pressure to contribute financially at a young age may hinder their ability to enjoy a carefree childhood, impacting their social and emotional development.

Additionally, emphasizing the knowledge of transactions and awareness of responsibility through work may be achieved through alternative means, such as managing allowances or participating in community service. Balancing work with other age-appropriate responsibilities and activities ensures a more comprehensive and holistic development for children during their vacations.

In conclusion, while the idea of children working during vacations is driven by the desire for productive use of time, skill development, and financial support, it is important to consider the counterviews emphasizing the need for a balanced approach that allows children to enjoy their break, explore diverse interests, and foster overall well-being.

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