Civics Chapter 1 : Introduction to Parliamentary System

1. Choose the correct option and rewrite the statements.
(1) Parliamentary System of government developed in ………….
    (a) England           (b) France      (c) United States of America      (d) Nepal

(2) In the Presidential system ………… is the executive head.
   (a) Prime Minister      (b) Lok Sabha Speaker      (c) President     (d) Governor

2. Complete the information in the following table.

Sr. No.

Name of the Institution




Making Laws, Laws made Bills, Debates on Bills, Bills approved as Laws



Implementing Laws made by Parliament

Executing Policies and Decisions



Keep a check on laws and settle disputes, support political system

3. Explain the following statements with reasons.
(1) India adopted the parliamentary system of government.
(1) The development of parliamentary institutions started during the British rule. The British rulers governed in accordance with this system. (2) The parliamentary system of government in India is also in a way a product of the freedom movement. (3) Indians were familiar to this system of government. (4) Many discussions took place in the Constituent Assembly over the system of government. (5) The framers of the Constitution made few changes in the parliamentary system to suit the Indian situation.

(2) Discussion and deliberations are important in a parliamentary system of
(1) Discussions and deliberations are an integral part of the parliamentary form of government. (2) Questions related to public welfare are discussed in the legislature. (3) Members from the opposition party also take part in these discussions. (4)
Opposition parties may support the government wherever appropriate, point out shortcomings in policies and laws, put up studied arguments and questions etc. (5) This helps the legislature to make proper laws.

4. Answer the following in 25 to 30 words.
(1) What is a responsible government?
In Presidential System, the legislature and the executive keep a check on each other. This mutual control over each other can lead to a responsible government.

(2) Enumerate the characteristics of the presidential system of government.
(1) In a presidential form of government, the legislature and the executive are not directly dependent on each other. (2) The Houses of the Legislature and the President are directly elected by the people. (3) The President is the executive head and has lot of powers including power to implement laws

5. Why is the role of opposition parties important? Write your opinion.

Ans. Opposition parties may support the government wherever appropriate, point out shortcomings in policies and laws, put up studied arguments and questions etc. This helps the legislature to make proper laws.

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