Chapter 6 : Land Use

Q 1. Examine the statements and correct the incorrect ones.

(A) Mining is not a type of land use.
Ans. Incorrect. Mining is a type of land use.

(B) There are factories in the Central Business District.
Ans. Incorrect. There are many shops, banks and offices in the Central Business District.

(C) In urban areas, the largest area is use for residential purposes.
Ans. Correct.

(D) The village attendant issues the 7/12 extract.
Ans. Incorrect. The 7/12 extract is issued by the Tehsildar or the concerned land authority.

(E) In rural areas residential areas occupy large tracts.
Ans. Incorrect. In rural areas residential areas occupy large tracts.

(F) Extract 7 indicates Record of Rights.
Ans. Correct.

(G) Extract 12 indicates change in ownership.
Ans. Incorrect. Extract 12 lists specifics about the land type and usage.

Q 2. Give geographical reasons.

(A) Landuse for public facility are extremely important in urban areas.
Ans. (1) For the various needs of the population some services are provided by the local governing bodies, state government or central government. (ii) The area under these services comes under this category e.g. hospitals, post offices, police stations, police grounds, schools, colleges, universities etc. The land use under the category is important. (iii) These services diffuse the tensions caused due to increasing population.

(B) The record of the ownership of nonagricultural land is the same as that of the agricultural land.
Ans. (i) Ownership of non-agricultural land is recorded on the property card. (ii) It has the following information-city survey number, plot number, amount of tax, area of the property assessed, right to access etc. (iii) Ownership of agricultural land is recorded in the 7/12 extract. (iv) It has the details about the ownership rights of the family, status  of debts and loans, transfer of ownership and the area under different crops. (v) Both property card and 7/12 extract are two different ways of land registration and gives information about the owner & the land he is using. (vi) Therefore, the record of the ownership of nonagricultural land is the same as that of the agricultural land.

(C) A region can be classified as developed or developing on the basis of landuse.
Ans. (i) Land use shows the level of development in a particular region. (ii) If the land is used for industries, better infrastructural facilities and residential complexes, then we can term those regions as developed. (iii) But if we see that land is mostly used for agriculture, or the land is mostly covered by forest, then it is assumed that the pace of development is quite slow and hence the region can be termed as developing. Hence, a region can be classified as developed or developing on the basis of land use.

Q 3. Write answers.

(A) Why is agriculture important in rural land use?
Ans. (i) Agriculture plays an important part in rural development especially due to land use. (ii) The main potential contributions of farming to rural development are in terms of supporting employment. (iii) In rural areas throughout the world, agriculture represents the predominant land use and a major component of the viability of rural areas. (iv) Therefore, agriculture is important in rural land use.

(B) State the factors affecting land use.
Ans. (i) The land use pattern is determined by certain physical factors of the country such as topography, climate and soil types. (ii) The availability of geographical area determines its uses by the country. In India we have various forms at land like plains, plateaus, mountains etc., which are kept in mind before planning the land use pattern. (iii) There are certain human factor also affecting the land use pattern. They include population density of the country, technological capability and culture and traditions of the country, etc.

(C) Clarify the differences between rural and urban land uses.

Rural land uses

Urban land uses

(i) The land use patterns in rural areas tend to be extremely remote.

(ii) In rural areas land is mainly used for agriculture

(iii) For example, the land is used for agriculture, forestry, recreational space and small settlements.

(i) Urban land use can be divided into different functional zones/regions

(ii) In urban areas land is mainly used for
residential purposes.

(iii) For example, industries may group together along a riverside or railway to form an industrial zone.

(D) Differentiate between 7/12 extract and property card.

7/12 extract

Property card

(i) The 7/12 extract is a record of a land property in a rural area, ownership of the property and type of and purpose of the land.

(ii) It includes the information about agricultural land in rural areas.

(iii) It has the following information ownership rights of the family, status of debts and loans, transfer of ownership and the area under different crops.

(i) Property cards contain information about a specific property in urban area and its ownership.

(ii) It includes the information about non-agricultural land in urban areas.

(iii) It has the following information city survey number, plot number, amount of tax, area of the property assessed, right to access etc.


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