Civics Chapter 2 : EUROPE AND INDIA

1.Rewrite the statements by choosing the appropriate options

(1)  In 1453 the city of …………… was conquered by Ottoman Turks.
(a) Venice    
(b) Constantinople   
(c) Rome 
(d) Paris

(2)  The Industrial Revolution began in …………….
(a) England    
(b) France      
(c) Italy   
(d) Portugal

(3)  …………… tried to put restrictions on the illegal trade of British.
(a) Siraj-ud-Daulah 
(b) Mir Kasim
(c) Mir Jafar 
(d) Shah Alam

2.Explain the following concepts.

(1)  Colonialism: (1) Colonialism means one country exploiting another country by making it into a colony. (2) A powerful country on the basis of economic and military strength occupies another region and establishes its political Supremacy. (3) This tendency of Colonialism led to rise of imperialism among the Europeans.

(2) Imperialism: (1) Imperialism means a system in which a powerful country controls other countries by establishing its overall domination and establishing many colonies. (2) Many countries from Asian and African continent fell prey to this imperialist aspiration of the European Nations. 

(3) Age of Renaissance: (1) In history of Europe, the last phase of mediaeval period i.e. 13th to 16th century is known as the Period of renaissance. (2) During this period reformation, religious reform movement and geographical discoveries laid the foundation of the modern era. (3) Hence this period is also known as the ‘Age of Renaissance’.

(4) Capitalism: (1)  Due to trade with Asia, Europe acquired a lot of wealth.(2) This wealth came to be known as capital and it came to be used for trade and commerce.(3) This gave rise to capitalist economic system in Europe and when the power is in the hands of the capitalists, it is known as capitalism.

3. Explain the following statements with reasons.

(1) Siraj-ud-Daulah was defeated in the Battle of Plassey.
Ans. (1)  In 1756 AD Siraj-ud-Daulah became the Nawab of Bengal. (2)  East India Company officers misused the trade concessions obtained from Mughal Emperor in Bengal province. The English built fortification around the factory at Kolkata without the permission of the Nawab. Hence Siraj-ud-Daulah captured the factory at Kolkata. (3) This created discontent in England. Robert Clive diplomatically bribed Mir Jafar, the Commander in chief of the Nawab’s army and also promised to make him the Nawab of Bengal. (4) Nawab Siraj-ud-Daulah and the British Troops met at Plassey in 1757 AD. But under the leadership of Mir Jafar the Nawab’s army made no move to actually join the battle and hence Siraj-ud-Daulah was defeated.

(2)  The European countries felt the necessity of finding new trade routes to Asia.
Ans. (1) In 1453 AD, the Ottoman Turks conquered Constantinople (Istanbul) which was the capital of Byzantine Empire. (2) The overland trade routes joining Asia and Europe went through this city. (3)  Since the Turks blocked this route, European countries felt the necessity of finding new trade routes to Asia.

(3) European rulers started giving military protection and trade concessions to the trading companies.
Ans. (1) A new period of trade between Europe and Asia began with the discovery of new trade routes. (2) Since it was not possible to carry out trade singlehandedly, many traders got together and started trade which gave rise to many Trading Companies. (3) Trade with Oriental countries was profitable and resulted in the economic prosperity of Europe. Therefore, the European rulers started giving military protection and trade concessions to the trading companies.

4. Complete the following table.

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