1. Rewrite the statements by choosing the appropriate options.

(1) Portuguese, ……………, French, British participated in the competition of capturing Indian market.
(a) Austrian   
(b) Dutch       
(c) German   
(d) Swedish

(2) In 1802 Peshwa …………… signed the Subsidiary Alliance with the British.
(a) Bajirao I   
(b) Sawai Madhavrao          
(c) Peshwa Nanasaheb       
(d) Bajirao II

(3) Jamshedjee Tata started the manufacturing of steel at Tata Iron and Steel industry established in ……………
(a) Mumbai   
(b) Kolkata    
(c) Jamshedpur        
(d) Delhi

3.Explain the following concepts.

(1) Civil Services: (1) To strengthen the British rule in India there was a need of bureaucrats. Lord Cornwallis introduced bureaucracy. (2) Civil services became an important part of British government. (3) For the convenience of administration he divided the British occupied territories into districts. The District Collector was the chief of district administration. He was responsible for collection of revenue, giving justice, maintaining law and order. (4) The officers were appointed through competitive examinations known as Indian Civil Services (ICS).

(2) Commercialisation of Agriculture: (1) Initially food grains were cultivated by the farmers. It used to fulfill their domestic needs as well as the needs of the village. (2) The British Government started giving more encouragement to cash crops like cotton, indigo, tobacco, tea etc. (3) The process of giving stress on cultivation of profit giving cash crops instead of food grains is known as the commercialisation of agriculture.

(3) Economic policy of British: (1) The Britishers were the first foreign invaders to bring about a change in the Indian economic system. (2) Since, England was a modem industrial nation with capitalist economy, the Britishers changed the economic policy of India to suit the economic system of their country. (3) They gained economic benefit by exploiting India economically

3.Explain the following statements with reasons.

(1) Farmers in India became bankrupt.

Ans. (1) The land revenue system introduced by the British had a negative impact on the farmers of the villages. (2) In order to pay the taxes and avoid confiscation of their land, the Indian farmers started selling their produce at whatever price they got. (3) The merchants and brokers exploited them by buying their produce at a very low rate. (4) Sometimes the farmers even had to mortgage their land to the money lender in order to raise cash to pay the tax.   
      Thus, the farmers were exploited by the zamindars, money lenders as well as merchants which made them bankrupt.

(2) There was decline of traditional industries in India.

Ans. (1) Huge taxes were imposed by the British on the goods exported from India, while nominal taxes were imposed on goods imported into India from England. (2) The goods coming from England were machine made and were produced in bulk and hence were cheaper. (2) It was very difficult for the Indian artisans to compete with the machine made cheap goods of England.  
     Thus several traditional industries of India closed down and the artisans became unemployed.

4. Complete the following table.

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