Class 10 Science II – All chapters MCQ Quiz

โ†’ The following Quiz helps students to learn and practice Objectives.
โ†’ Each Quiz is of 15 questions (total out of more than 70 questions)
โ†’ Quiz has timer
โ†’ Questions will appear randomly
โ†’ To practice all objectives students are supposed to take Quiz again and again.

18 votes, 4.6 avg
Created by
Elite Tutors

Class 10 Science II MCQ Question Bank


Select the correct option

1 / 15

____________ may arise due to excessive use of mobile phones.

2 / 15

Liquor is produced from____________ .

3 / 15

My body is ____________ shaped to minimize water resistance.

4 / 15

In humans, sperm production occurs in the organ ____________.

5 / 15

Alcoholic person lacks the ____________ thinking.

6 / 15

Methods like artificial insemination and embryo transplant are mainly used for ____________.

7 / 15

____________ have valuable contributions in the green revolution in the USA.

8 / 15

Which of the following is a hermaphrodite animal?

9 / 15

____________ is not a part of mitosis.

10 / 15

Pollen grains are formed by ____________ division in locules of anthers.

11 / 15

Which of the following animals has a hard calcareous shell?

12 / 15

____________ is used in the commercial bakery industry.

13 / 15

In nuclear power plants, neutrons are bombarded on atoms of ____________.

14 / 15

____________ modern remedial technique is used if there is a problem in implantation of embryo in the uterus.

15 / 15

Kinetic energy in flowing water drives ____________ to generate electricity.

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โ‡’ Correct Option
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