English CET/Board Practice MCQ Part – 2

→ The following Quiz helps students to learn and practice Grammar and Language Study.
→ Each Quiz is of 10 questions
→ Quiz has timer
→ Questions will appear randomly
→ To practice all examples students are supposed to take Quiz again and again.

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Elite Tutors

CET MCQ Quiz English (2)


English Grammar MCQs

1 / 10

Correct Spelling

Choose the correct alternative to form meaningful words.

2 / 10

Use of Correct verb form

Choose the correct verb form to fill in the blanks.

The fact that he was _______ (drink) while driving, did not help his case.

3 / 10

Subject Verb agreement

Choose the proper form of verb as per the subject and fill in the blanks.
Everyone ________ done a good job.

4 / 10

Alphabetical order

Choose the correct alternative to arrange the words in alphabetical order.

i. soap      ii. soon      iii. sorry       iv. socks

5 / 10

Alphabetical order

Choose the correct alternative to arrange the words in alphabetical order.
i. mock     ii. most     iii. mop     iv. more

6 / 10

Alphabetical order

Choose the correct alternative to arrange the words in alphabetical order.

i. bounce      ii. boundary      iii. bounty       iv. boundable

7 / 10

Correct Spelling

Choose the correct alternative to form meaningful words.

8 / 10

Spot the error

Choose the alternative showing the error in the sentence.
He has often ask me to think before I speak.

9 / 10

Correct Spelling

Choose the correct alternative to form meaningful words.

10 / 10

Subject Verb agreement

Choose the proper form of verb as per the subject and fill in the blanks.
The committee _______ approved of it.

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The above quiz consists of these topics: 
⇒ Spot the error/Correct Spelling/Subject Verb agreement/Use of correct verb form/Alphabetical order
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