MCQ History Class 10 Chapter 1 : Historiography : Development in the West

→ The following Quiz helps students to learn and practice Objectives.
→ Each Quiz is of 10 questions (total out of more than 25 questions)
→ Quiz has timer
→ Questions will appear randomly
→ To practice all objectives students are supposed to take Quiz again and again.

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Complete the sentences by choosing the right option :


History OBJECTIVES Chapter 1: Historiography: Development in the West

Textual + Extra

1 / 10

Historiography of the nineteenth century was greatly influenced by the thoughts of ………………

2 / 10

Simone de Beauvoir helped in establishing the fundamentals of ………………….

3 / 10

The writing of a critical historical narrative is known as ………………….

4 / 10

…………………. questions are about the deeds of the members of ancient human societies of a particular period.

5 / 10

It may be said that …………………. was the founder of modern historiography

6 / 10

…………………. the Greek philosopher used the term ‘History’ for the first time.

7 / 10

……………… a Greek historian of the fifth century B.C.E., had used the term ‘History’ for the first time for his book entitled, ‘The Histories’.

8 / 10

In 1737 C.E., the ……………… university in Germany had an independent department for history.

9 / 10

Voltaire’s original name was ………………….

10 / 10

The tradition of recording historical events can be traced back to ……………… civilisation in Mesopotamia.

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