Most Important MCQs of SCIENCE PART I for SSC Board Examination

→ The following MCQ as of now covers first 6 chapters of Science I Class 10
→ Each Quiz is of 10 marks only
→ Quiz has timer
→ Questions will appear randomly
→ To practice complete chapters students are supposed to take Quiz again and again.

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Total 10 MCQ here but in board exam 5 will be asked for 5 Marks

1 / 10

Select the correct option and write only the alphabet corresponding to the correct option :

When a ray of light travels from air to glass slab and strikes the surface of separation at 90°, then it ………….

(A) bends towards the normal
(B) bends away from the normal
(C) passes unbent
(D) passes in zigzag way

2 / 10

Select the correct option and write only the alphabet corresponding to the correct option :

Heat absorbed when 1gm of ice melts at 0ºC to form 1g of water at the same temperature is ……….. cal.

(A) 80         (B) 800        (C) 540        (D) 54

3 / 10

Select the correct option and write only the alphabet corresponding to the correct option :

What will be the weight of a person on the earth, who weighs 9 N on the moon?

(A) 3N              (B) 15N             (C) 45 N              (D) 54N

4 / 10

Select the correct option and write only the alphabet corresponding to the correct option :

If the weight of a body on the earth’s surface is 60 N, its weight on the moon’s surface will be about ……….

(A) 360 N             (B) 36 N              (C) 6N              (D) 10 N

5 / 10

Select the correct option and write only the alphabet corresponding to the correct option :

Question Image

6 / 10

Select the correct option and write only the alphabet corresponding to the correct option :

………… heat is needed to convert 1 g of water at 100 °C and at a pressure of one atmosphere into 1 g of steam under the same conditions.

(A) 80 cal           (B) 540 cal          (C) 89 J          (D) 540 J

7 / 10

Select the correct option and write only the alphabet corresponding to the correct option :

Carbon dioxide ……….

(A) turns lime water milky           (B) is odourless         

(C) is colourless                              (D) All the three (A), (B) and (C) are correct

8 / 10

Select the correct option and write only the alphabet corresponding to the correct option :

Molecular formula of the chloride of an element X is XCl. This compound is a solid having high melting point. Which of the following elements be present in the same group as X.

(A) Na           (B) Mg           (C) Al           (D) Si

9 / 10

Select the correct option and write only the alphabet corresponding to the correct option :

In a chemical equation, the ………. are written on the left hand side.

(A) products           (B) reactants           

(C) catalysts           (D) elements

10 / 10

Select the correct option and write only the alphabet corresponding to the correct option :

Noble gases belong to group ……….. in the modern periodic table

(A) 15           (B) 16           (C) 17           (D) 18

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Chapters covered:

1. Gravitation
2. Periodic Classification of Element
3. Chemical reactions and equations
4. Effects of electric current
5. Heat
6. Refraction of light

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