True or False – Science II (Important for board paper)

→ The following Quiz covers all chapters of Science II Class 10
→ Each Quiz is of 10 marks here but if asked in board paper, will be of total 5 marks
→ Quiz has timer
→ Questions will appear randomly
→ To practice complete chapters students are supposed to take Quiz again and again.

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Science II – True or False


Total 10 True or False Quiz

(In Board Paper 5 will be asked)

1 / 10

The decaying process of C-14 occurs continuously from the dead remains of living organisms.

2 / 10

Changes in genes of the cells are brought about in non-genetic technique.

3 / 10

In aerobic respiration, glucose is oxidized in three steps.

4 / 10

Rennet obtained from alimentary canal of human beings is used in production of cheese.

5 / 10

Loudly laughing can increase mental stress.

6 / 10

Rehabilitation work is started in transitional phase after the subsidence of any disaster.

7 / 10

Herdmania has notochord in only tail region and hence it is called Urochordate.

8 / 10

Animals belonging to phylum Annelida perform locomotion with the help of tube-feet.

9 / 10

The pollen grains from anthers fall on stigma of carpel.

10 / 10

Any encysted Amoeba or any other protist is called ‘Cyst’.

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1. Heredity and Evolution
2. Life Processes in living organisms Part -1
3. Life Processes in Living Organisms Part – 2
4. Environmental management
5. Towards Green Energy
6. Animal Classification
7. Introduction to Microbiology
8. Cell Biology and Biotechnology
9. Social health
10. Disaster Management

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