Warming up !
1. Do you know any stories about people who were lost in uninhabited places and were later rescued? Name them.
Ans. Yes, Captain Nemo, Gulliver, The family who survived on turtle blood while lost at sea for 38 days, etc.
The family who survived on turtle blood while lost at sea for 38 days
In 1971, the Robertson family boarded their yacht Lucette at Falmouth harbour, Cornwall to sail around the world. Eighteen months into the trip, they were 200 miles from the Galapagos islands when catastrophe struck. Their boat was hit by a pod of killer whales and destroyed within minutes. The family scrambled aboard a leaky raft and when that finally deflated 17 days later, they made for their dinghy, the Ednamair. There was only enough water for 10 days, and the only food on board consisted of a bag of onions, a tin of biscuits, 10 oranges, six lemons, and half a pound of glucose sweets. When that ran out, the family drank turtle blood to survive. The matriarch of the family, Lyn Robinson, was a nurse and devised a gruesome technique to keep them hydrated with rainwater collected in the boat. She knew the water, which was contaminated by a mix turtle blood and offal, would be poisonous if taken orally, and insisted her family take enemas using tubes from the rung of a ladder.
On July 23, 1972, the family were finally picked up after a Japanese crew spotted their distress flare.
(1) In what way is a work of fiction different from a fact file ?
Ans. In a work of fiction story depends on writers artificial imagination. Writer does not have to follow the truth, whereas a fact file is completely based on reality. In a fact file, writer has to follow the truth.
(2) How did the family reach the tropical island ?
Ans. The ship was caught in a great storm. The other passengers evacuated without them. They weathered the great storm waiting in the ship’s hold. The ship survived the night and the family found themselves within sight of a tropical desert island. With much effort, they constructed a vessel out of tubs. After they filled the tubs with food and ammunition and all other articles of value they could safely carry, they rowed toward the island.
(3) Why did Mother wish to shift the family to a tree- house?
Ans. Mother wish to shift the family to a tree- house because their current camp was not only exposed but also very dry and hot. If they built a house up in one of the large trees, they would be safe from jackals.
(4) How did the mother occupy herself while the tree house was being built?
Ans. While the tree house was being built mother kept herself occupied with tending the garden that was now producing healthy plants. Corn, melons, pumpkins, and cucumbers were already growing.
(5) What was the third place the family decided to reside in? Why did they wish to shift there?
Ans. The third place the family decided to reside in, was a cave. They wish to shift there in order to create a place safe from the elements, a strong storage spot to protect themselves and their belongings.
(6) What made the family change over to their fourth residence? What precaution did they take before building it?
Ans. One day, they found that one of the family’s huts had been completely destroyed and the cultivated fields around it had been trampled by elephant herd. So the family designed their fourth residence using four strong trees growing in a square near one another as the foundation rather than building a house on stilts, which the elephants could knock down easily.
(7) Do the changes in the family’s residence remind you of the history of man’s evolution?
Ans. Yes, ancient man too stayed first in an open space then on trees to protect themselves from wild animals. Later shifted to caves to create a place safe from the elements, a strong storage spot to protect themselves and their belongings. All such things resembles with Robinsons family.
(8) How did Fritz learn about another victim, forsaken on a far away island ?
Ans. On the shore of another island Fritz had knocked down an albatross, which was threatening to attack him and found a rag tied to the large bird’s leg. On the rag was a message that an Englishwoman had been stranded on the Smoking rock.
(9) Who was the victim and how long had she survived ?
Ans. The victim was a young woman, Jenny Montrose and she had survived for three years.
(10) Who is included in the word ‘Everyone’ in ‘Everyone was amazed …’?
Ans. The word ‘Everyone’ includes the passengers and crew of the British vessel which had rescued the family.
(11) How does the adventure come to a happy end ?
Ans. The adventure comes to a happy end after the family and Jenny were rescued by British vessel. The survivors were in good health and were free to take their own decisions. Fritz told his parents about his love for Jenny and his wish to marry her.
1. Two separate words combine together to make a new word with a different meaning. They form Compound Words. Using a dictionary, find the meanings of the following compound words.
- armloads – a load that can be carried with one’s arms.
- driftwood – pieces of wood which are floating.
- cross-currents – water currents in a river or sea which flow across one another.
- footprints – the impression left by a foot.
- fireplace – a place for a domestic fire to keep warm.
- spyglass – a small telescope to watch distant objects.
2. The following words can be used as nouns as well as verbs. Make two sentences of your own, using them as a noun in one and a verb in another.
(a) hold : (a) Noun – She has a strong hold over her children
(b) Verb – Let me hold the bag for you
(b) value : (a) Noun – The sculptures are of great value.
(b) Verb – I value our friendship.
(c) knot : (a) Noun – Tom tightened the knot.
(b) Verb – He carefully knotted his tie.
(d) travel : (a) Noun- The price includes travel and accommodation.
(b) Verb- We always travel first class.
(e) return : (a) Noun– He was met by his brother on his return from America.
(b) Verb- I had to return to the store to look for my wallet.
(f) reach : (a) Noun – The shot was well beyond the reach of the goalkeeper.
(b) Verb – We hoped to reach the camp before dark.
(g) knock : (a) Noun – Knocks and scratches will lower the value of valuable furniture.
(b) Verb – He knocked three times and waited.
(h) attack : (a) Noun – A child is recovering in hospital after a serious attack by a stray dog.
(b) Verb – Two prison officers were brutally attacked with a knife.
(i) mark : (a) Noun – a horse with a white mark on its head.
(b) Verb – The route has been marked in red.
3. Given in a mixed order below are some good human attributes of the family. Pick out each from the box and write it against each line that reflects it.
(a) The father told Fritz, the gourds would make excellent bowls and spoons and they cut them into various utensils.
Ans. resourcefulness
(b) After some days, Elizabeth informed that she wanted the family to move to a safer place.
Ans. cautiousness
(c) Thinking ahead of winter, father decided to create a place safe from the elements.
Ans. foresight
(d) Father taught the boys geometry and how to use triangles to measure big objects.
Ans. knowledge and its application
(e) …….. he believed, his daughter was still alive, after three years.
Ans. perseverance and positive attitude
(f) Ten years had passed and the young boys grew to be young men and their parents were proud of them.
Ans. family bonds ; courage and daring
(g) Fritz felt that someone needed his help and he was determined to find the sender.
Ans. humanity and sensitivity
4. Write in your own words, how the Robinson family made each of their homes.
First Home – Their first home was a tent which they built up by softening the floor with armloads of grass. They cut them and spread it to serve as their beds.
Second Home – Their second home was a tree house which they built by using long and extended branches. These branches were used as platforms. They also created a ladder out of bamboos.
Third Home – Their third home was a cave house which they created by making an opening on the smooth face of the rock. They cut windows in the rock for ventilation and sunlight.
Fourth Home – Since one of the huts they had made was destroyed by an elephant herd, they decided to build a stronger house using four strong trees as base, rather than building a house on stilts which the elephants could knock down easily. The four trees were of equal size, approximately twelve feet apart. This was a much safer home for them.
5. Expand the following ideas in a paragraph or two :-
(1) Where there is a will, there is a way.
Where there is a will there is a way is an old saying in English which means that if we don’t have strong determination and will towards our goal, we cannot work hard and thus cannot achieve success in life. Our strong will power to achieve success creates a way of surety to get success. Our will makes sure but easy path for us to climb the ladder of success. This proverb teaches us that if we really determine to do something (whether easy or tough), we can do it. Sometimes the task may be too difficult however the strong will power help us to confront all the difficulties and creates a way.
(2) Courage and resourcefulness are the keys to overcome problems.
Of course, courage and resourcefulness are the keys to overcome problem because if we are brave we can fight any battle, but in that situation we should have a great unbeatable spirit and faith in ourselves. Because of courage only we can overcome any problem whether it be in our hand or not. And if you have every resource available, in that case also we can overcome any challenges that come across or in front of us. But having resource is only not the thing from which we can achieve our goal or face any challenge. We should have great commitment , Faith and trust in ourselves so that we can overcome any problem which we face.