05 Precipitation

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Geography Chapter 5: Precipitation



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............ rainfall occurs in most of the parts in the world.

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In areas located at higher altitudes and high latitudes, where the temperatures are below 0°C get precipitation in the form of ..............

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Because of ............ crops may get destroyed and loss of life and property may occur.

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Visibility reduces because of ............

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Hails do not occur in ............ areas.

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When moisture-laden air near the earth's surface comes in contact of very cold objects and form water droplets which stick to the surface of the cold objects ............ is formed.

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A layer o f ............ of ice is equivalent to 10mm of rainfall.

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In equatorial areas, ............ type of rainfall occurs almost daily in the afternoons.

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............ rainfall occurs because of obstruction from high mountain ranges.

10 / 10

Snowfall can also be measured with the help of ..................

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Q.1. Identify the precipitation type with the help of the description given:

(a) It is the main source of the water that you use. Sometimes it is torrential and sometimes continuous. Most of the agriculture in India is dependent on it.

Ans.  Rainfall

(b) It seems as if water droplets are floating in the atmosphere. In London, one cannot see the Sun till the afternoon during winters because of this phenomenon.

Ans.  fog

(c) It never precipitates like this in equatorial areas. Precipitation in the solid form sometimes causes damage to the crops.

Ans.  hail

(d) A white cotton like layer spreads on the earth’s surface. Because of this form of precipitation, the State of Jammu and Kashmir has to change its capital in winters. In Maharashtra, it does not precipitate like this.

Ans.  snow

Q.2. Look at the following pictures and identify the correct rainfall type.


Convectional rainfall

Orographic rainfall

Cyclonic rainfall



3. Look at the figures above and answer the following questions:

(1) In fig B, on which side of the mountain is it raining more?
(2) Shade the rain shadow region in fig B and name it.
(3) What is the difference between A and C?
(4) Stormy winds and floods are associated with which rainfall type?
(5) What type of rainfall occurs in Singapore?


The windward side of the mountain gets more rain.



Fig A shows Convectional Rainfall whereas the Fig C shows Cyclonic rainfall.

(4) Stormy winds and floods are associated with which rainfall type?

Ans. Stormy winds and floods are associated with Cyclonic rainfall.

(5) What type of rainfall occurs in Singapore?
Ans. The rainfall that occurs in Singapore is of conventional type of rain.

4. Identify the odd man out :

(1) Orographic rainfall, acid rain, cyclonic rainfall, convectional rainfall
(2) Snowfall, rainfall, hailstones, dew
(3) Thermometer, rain gauge, anemometer, measuring jar

(1) acid rain
(2) dew
(3) measuring jar

5. Answer in brief:

(1) In what ways does precipitation occur on the earth?

Water falling in the solid or liquid state from the clouds to the earth surface is known as precipitation. Snow, hailstorms, rainfall are the major forms of precipitation.

(2) Comment on the rainfall occurring in the rain shadow area.

Winds in rain shadow region are dry and their moisture holding capacity also increases once they cross the mountain top hence this region gets very less rainfall.

(3) Which type of rainfall occurs in most of the world? Why?

Orographic rainfall occurs in most parts of the world because, about 70% surface of the Earth is covered with water bodies and hence the proportion of moist air moving from water bodies to land is common.

(4) If condensation occurs closer to the earth’s surface, what types of forms become visible?

If condensation occurs closer to the earth’s surface then condensation  in the form of fog, dew or frost is visible.

(5) What precautions should be taken while measuring rainfall?

Following precautions should be taken while measuring rainfall:
(1) Rain gauge must be kept in open air on a platform of 30 cm in height.
(2) Nothing shall obstruct the accumulation of rainwater in the rain gauge.
(3) In a region of very heavy rainfall amount of rainfall must be measured every 3 hours.

Q.6. Distinguish between –

(1) Dew and frost
(2) Snow and hail  

(1) Dew and frost

(2) Snow and hail

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