Chemistry Chapter 3 : Some Analytical Techniques

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Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 3 – Basic Analytical Techniques


Select the correct option

1 / 10

In paper chromatography, the mobile phase rises up the chromatography paper due to ________

2 / 10

Colourless components on chromatogram
CANNOT be observed by which of the following?

3 / 10

Which of the following solvents is most commonly used for the crystallization of copper sulphate?

4 / 10

Impure common salt can be purified by_______

5 / 10

Which of the following is most commonly used for the visualization of amino acids in chromatography?

6 / 10

Which technique is widely used in industry to separate components of mixture and also to purify them?

7 / 10

If a crude solid is made of mainly one substance and has some impurities then it is purified by_______

8 / 10

The method used to separate a given organic compound present in aqueous solution by shaking with a suitable solvent in which the compound is more soluble than water is called _________

9 / 10

Which of the following method will give clean separation of sample of chloroform (organic liquid) and water in short time span?

10 / 10

A mixture of acetone and benzene can be separated by the following method_______

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