ENGLISH ACTIVITY SET 1 SECTION II : (Textual Passages) (Reading skills, Vocabulary and Grammar)

 Q.2. A. Read the following passage and do the activities: [10 Marks]
A1. Complete the following web:

         We saw small bits of grass peeping through the small cracks in a concrete pavement. It left us thinking: however impossible things may look, there is always an opening……

         We saw a tree bare of all leaves in the cold winter months. We thought its chapter was over. But three months passed, spring set in and the tree was back to its green majesty once again, full of leaves, flowers, birds and life. What if we too had the conviction that, however difficult things are right now, it
will not remain so for ever. Remember, this too shall pass.

         We saw an army of ants lugging a fly which was at least ten times the ant’s size. The ants organized themselves around the fly, lifted it on frail feelers and carried it to quite a distance. Their teamwork and perseverance were impressive. What if we too are consistent, organized focused……. Spider webs are delicate, yet very strong. A rainbow colours the entire sky. Oysters take in a grain of sand they open up with a pearl. Innumerable stars shine across the infinite sky. Clouds take new shapes with every passing moment. The wind makes trees dance with unhindered passion. Water, without hint of ego, changes its form according to the dictates of the sun and the wind. When we see a caterpillar turn into a butterfly, a flower turns into a fruit, we experience the alchemy of nature… we touch it and become gold ourselves.


A2. What do the following things in nature teach us: (2)
i. Ants
ii. Grass
Ans: i. Ants teach us teamwork and perseverance.
ii. Grass teaches us however impossible things may look, there is always an opening to grow and thrive.

A3. Complete the following collocations with the help of the passage: (2)
i.  ………………. winter
ii. ………………. moment
iii. ………………. passion
iv.  ………………. sky
Ans: i. Cold winter
ii. Passing moment

iii. Unhindered passion
iv. Entire sky

A4. Do as directed: (2)

i. Spider webs are delicate, yet very strong.
(Rewrite the sentence beginning with ‘Although ’)
Ans: Although spider webs are delicate, they are very strong.

ii. We touch it and become gold ourselves.
(Add a question tag and Rewrite the sentence)
Ans: We touch it and become gold ourselves, don’t we?

A5. How do you deal with difficulties and problems in life?
Explain in brief.    (2)
Ans: Whenever I am faced with difficulties and problems in life, I believe in not making room for stress and worries. Instead, I try understanding the situation in the best possible manner. This helps me understand all possible causes and outcomes of my situation. After evaluating the situation well, I invest faith in myself and take one step at a time to fix the problem at hand. I always show hope and perseverance when dealing with a negative situation.

Q2. B. Read the following passage carefully and complete the activities: [10 marks]
B1. Arrange the following sentences according to their occurrences in the passage: (02)
i. She went up the steps that led to the wings.
ii. She listened to the unfolding ragas.
iii. A daring thought came to her and she hurried home.
iv. She sat beside her father in the gallery.
        Suddenly a daring thought came to her and as she hurried home she said to herself. ‘Why not? There’s no harm in trying it’.
        ‘It would be nice to go to the concert. I don’t know when we’ll get another opportunity to hear Pandit Ravi Shankar,’ she said to her mother later. And her father agreed to get the tickets.
        The next day as Smita and her father were leaving for the concert, her brother smiled and said, ‘Enjoy yourself,’ though the words came out in painful gasps. ‘Lucky you!’
        Sitting beside her father in the gallery. Smita heard as in a dream the thundering welcome the audience gave the great master. Then the first notes came over the air and Smita felt as if the gates of a land of enchantment and wonder were opening. Spellbound, she listened to the unfolding ragas, the slow plaintive notes, the fast twinkling ones, but all the while the plan she had decided on the evening before remained firmly in her mind. ‘The chance of a lifetime.’ She heard Anant’s voice in every beat of the tabla.
       The concert came to an end, the audience gave the artistes a standing ovation.
       A large moustachioed having a long moustache man made a long boring speech. Then came the presentation of bouquets. Then more applause and the curtain came down. The people began to move towards the exits.
       Now was the time. Smita wriggled her way through the crowds the stage. Then she went up the steps that led to the wings, her heart beating loudly. In the wings a small crowd had gathered to talk about the evening concert, to help carry bouquets and teacups and instruments.


i. A daring thought came to her and she hurried home.
ii. She sat beside her father in the gallery.
iii. She listened to the unfolding ragas.
iv. She went up the steps that led to the wings.

B2. Pick out two sentences which indicate Smita was enjoying the concert: (2)
i. Then the first notes came over the air and Smita felt as if the gates of a land of enchantment and wonder were opening,
ii. Spellbound, she listened to the unfolding ragas.

B3. Match the columns to their correct meanings and rewrite it: (02)

Ans: (i – c, ii – d, iii – b, iv – a)

B4. Do as directed:
i. The concert came to an end; the audience gave the artists a standing ovation. (Begin the sentence with ‘No sooner than’)  (1)
Ans: No sooner did the concert come to an end than the audience gave the artists a standing ovation.

ii. In the wings a small crowd had gathered to talk about the evening concert (Pick out the determiners from the given sentence)  (1)
Ans: In the wings a small crowd had gathered to talk about the evening concert.

B5. Would you like to see a live concert or would you prefer to see it on Television? Why? (2)
Ans: Given the opportunity, I would always want to see a live concert compared to seeing its telecast on a television. A live concert helps you immerse yourself in music. It helps you find sounds and notes you hadn’t noticed before. Giving you space for a good social gathering, it has the ability to leave you refreshed and energized. Other than these simple benefits, live music always proves to be an unforgettable experience for listeners. Thus, I feel that live concerts are better than virtual concerts.

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