Author name: Elite Tutors

Standard 10 Geography question bank [Q4.A) Show the following in the outline map of India with index (any 4)] AND Q4.B) Read the following map and answer the questions given below (any 4)

Q4.A) Show the following in the outline map of India with index (any 4)1. Sikkim2. River Narmada3. Cold desert4. One horned Rhinoceroses5. High density population state of south India6. Mumbai-major port Ans.   Q4.B) Read the following map and answer the questions given below (any 4) Questions-1. Which means of transport are visible on the […]

Standard 10 Geography question bank [Q4.A) Show the following in the outline map of India with index (any 4)] AND Q4.B) Read the following map and answer the questions given below (any 4) Read More »

Standard 10 Geography question bank (Short Notes)

Q3. Write short notes-1. Amazon river basin2. Purpose of field visit3. Historical background of India4. Comparison of climate of India and Brazil5. Vegetation in Brazil6. Animal life in India7. Density of population in Brazil8. Comparison of urbanization in Brazil and India9. Agriculture in India10. Industries in Brazil11. Transportation in Brazil12. Tourist places in India13. Development

Standard 10 Geography question bank (Short Notes) Read More »

Standard 10 Geography question bank (Name the following AND Write the following regions in the correct group)

Q3. Name the following- 1. The activity in which visiting the place and collecting the information of geographical and cultural factors is done.Ans: Field visit 2. The physiographic division of India which extends from southern foothills of the Himalaya to the northern borders of the Indian peninsula.Ans: North Indian plains 3. The rain shadow region

Standard 10 Geography question bank (Name the following AND Write the following regions in the correct group) Read More »

Standard 10 Geography question bank (State whether right or wrong)

Q3. State whether right or wrong-1. Brazil is mainly in southern hemisphere.Ans. Right2. Literacy rate of Brazil is higher than India.Ans. Right3. People prefer to live in south east region of Brazil than its north east region.Ans. Right4. Dense population is found at west in Brazil.Ans. Wrong5. Tropic of Capricorn passes from the centre of

Standard 10 Geography question bank (State whether right or wrong) Read More »

Standard 10 Geography question bank (Distinguish between)

Q3. Distinguish between- ( click to get the solutions)1. Water transport in R. Ganga an R. Amazon2. Communication in Brazil and communication in India3. Indian standard time and Brazilian standard time4. Location, extent and boundaries of India and Brazil5. Historical background of India and historical background of Brazil6. Physiography of India and physiography of Brazil7.

Standard 10 Geography question bank (Distinguish between) Read More »

दूसरी इकाई पाठ – ६. हम उस धरती की संतति हैं (कविता में आए वीरों कि जानकारी )

ध्रुव हिन्दू धर्मग्रन्थों के अनुसार ध्रुव भगवान विष्णु के महान तपस्वी भक्त थे। इनकी कथा विष्णु पुराण और भागवत पुराण में आती है। वे उत्तानपाद (स्वयंभू मनु के पुत्र) के पुत्र थे। ध्रुव ने बचपन में ही घरबार छोड़कर तपस्या करने की ठानी। हिन्दू धर्मग्रंथों में वर्णित कथा के अनुसार राजा उत्तानपाद की दो रानियों

दूसरी इकाई पाठ – ६. हम उस धरती की संतति हैं (कविता में आए वीरों कि जानकारी ) Read More »